Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Al-Qaeda's American consigliere

So, Sen. Rick Santorum, et al., get the goods on WMD in Iraq, and what's the mainstream mediocracy spotlighting? More wrongdoing by the troops.

Memo to mainstream mediocracy: When you find yourself at the bottom of a hole, stop digging!

But back to our topic of the week--far-left lawyer and Hugh Hewitt crony Erwin al-Chemerinsky, al-Qaeda's American consigliere. Perhaps you've heard of one of his clients, enemy combatant and Guantanamo detainee Salim Gherebi. Al-Chemerinsky and several other Kunstlerista attorneys, you might recall, sued George Bush for $1 billion. If you don't, here's what Robert Novak reported last November:

WASHINGTON -- The troubled Bush administration won a rare victory this week. The Senate voted to close federal courts to Salim Gherebi, an enemy combatant imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. He is suing the president and the secretary of defense for $100 million in compensatory damages and $1 billion in punitive damages for violation of his rights under the U.S. Constitution. His is one of 174 suits filed on behalf of terrorist detainees, none of them U.S. citizens, that have undermined the war against terrorism.

That outcome is indeed the purpose of suits instigated by left-wing American lawyers. Court filings demanding high-speed Internet service, claiming medical malpractice and seeking DVDs fail to release many prisoners, but they do hamstring U.S. intelligence. The Senate's action this week keeps non-citizen aliens from using habeas corpus, invoked throughout the country's history to protect citizens from illegal imprisonment.

Read the rest here.


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